Saturday, February 16, 2013

Eating Scarlet Elfcup (Sarcoscypha sp.)

These were very good mushrooms to eat:

I don't know similar species but I GUESS here in the UK they are a safe choice just from the lack of warnings I've come across on the internet. I only ate a few of them first time just to be on the safe(r) side. There is at least one other species that looks like the ones I found and so I'm unsure of the exact species but I'll say they are Sarcoscypha coccinea. Apparently you need a microscope to differentiate between the different Scarlet Elfcup species.

The orange ones are either a colour morph of Sarcoscypha coccinea or they could be another species. According to experts on to tell the difference you need a microscope

I washed them in warm water to get rid of moss and dirt. I let the water drip off them for a couple of minutes to store them in the fridge in a covered Pyrex dish

 First off I fried some up quickly for about a minute and had them in a cheese and salad sandwich. My sister commented they taste just like regular shop bought mushrooms (button mushrooms or whatever). I think I agree. Two days later I had the ones pictured as part of a fried breakfast but fried for maybe 2-3minutes. Then I did this again on the 15th Feb

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